Faro Transfers


Estrada do Aeroporto, Montenegro, 8000 Faro

Portugal Telephone: (00351) 302 099 910
Portugal Mobile: (00351) 916 053 420
UK Telephone: (0044) 5601 566 045

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FAQ Menu
How do we find the driver after arriving?
How do I pay?
Do you have children's seats, baby seats, infant carriers?
What happens if the flight is delayed?
Can I book the return trip from my destination?
Are the passengers insured?
We do not want to drive from the airport but would like to rent a car?
How long is the trip between airport and destination?
How long will the driver wait for us to clear customs?
Can we use the drivers phone?
We have lots of luggage, a mountain bike, a golf bag - will there be room?
Can we stop off at the supermarket en-route?
Is the transfer direct or do we stop en-route?
Does the driver speak English?
Do I have to share a vehicle with other people?
How far in advance do airport pick-ups need to be booked?
How many passengers can travel in one of your cars?
Do you offer tours?
Faro fast transfers
Private Faro Airport Transfers - Copyright © 2005 - 2006 farotransfers.com